The Australia FGM story is Published
The new story, Kubra, that was written by Dacia Maraini for the Hurried Steps shows in Sydney. The story features a young woman who was subjected to FGM/C as a child and now, years later, brings her case to court in a search for justice. It was based on a number of cases worldwide. It is now included in an anthology called Staging Violence Against Women and Girls: Plays and Interviews , published by Bloomsbury. The book includes an interview with New Shoes Theatre's Artistic Director, Nicolette Kay and was compiled by editors Daniela Cavallaro, Luciana d’Arcangeli and Claire Kennedy. In 2019 Claire led the project to stage Hurried Steps in many venues around Australia, working with RedVentures Theatre Action Group, Brisbane; and the Visual and Performance Studies Research Group within the Australasian Centre for Italian Studies. The performers were non-professional actors and they raised both awareness about the issue and also funds for the local women’s services.
